
Procrastinate and Succeed

The Wall Street Journal has an encouraging piece about how playing around with everyday objects may spark new ideas and creativity at work. According to the new research, what might've been considered procrastination  or fiddling around in the past, is now being touted as a way to relieve stress, improve focus and think more creatively.

"Participants in the study often say they reap practical benefits from clicking, stretching, twirling, flipping, squeezing, stroking or fiddling with everyday objects. These behaviors also may help people break through feelings of being stuck, bored, distracted or restless." So start twirling and clicking that pen or better yet—shell out for a squishy stress ball or even a Slinky.

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Take a Mental Health Day

You likely have a few sick days at your disposal, right? Here's how to use them without causing any suspicion.
