Taking Sides
Take a penny or leave one? That is the great loafer debate.

The Preppy Evangelist

Ivy Style scored the last interview with Lisa Birnbach, author of "The Official Preppy Handbook," who's currently finishing up the sequel, "True Prep." Following the book's announcement, the publisher called a moratorium on publicity until the book hits shelves this fall. She actually wasn't aware of all the online prep chatter until graphic designer Chip Kidd brought it to her attention. When asked what's happened to prepdom since the first book's release, she answers: Polar Fleece.

Not only did I never wear synthetics, I traveled to all 50 states saying, "No unnatural fiber has ever touched my body." Now I have children that wear these recycled water bottles all day.

» Take a look

Alex Carleton
On Rogues Gallery, L.L. Bean Signature and his love for eBay.