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The Best Fans
for Your Bedside

A quiet fan sitting by your bed promises to lull you to sleep with a gentle white noise while keeping you cool. Without it, your bed can feel more like a pizza oven. But the right one needs to look good, be sized just right and be able to move enough air to make a difference. We scanned the best reviewed options on Amazon to bring you the three worth your money.

Vornado Mini Classic Circulator Fan

Vornado Mini Classic
Circulator Fan

4 1/2 stars

/ 879 reviews

“This fan exceeds my expectations. The retro design is extremely stylish, and it is compact enough to carry from my office to my nightstand. The air flow is superb ... more than enough to keep me cool.”

$39.99 at Amazon

Honeywell QuietSet Mini Tower Fan

Honeywell QuietSet
Mini Tower Fan

4 stars

/ 1,177 reviews

“This doesn't take up too much space, moves some serious air and seems to be fairly quiet on the White Noise setting—I just am in love with it. Plus, the timer setting comes in handy.”

$29.99 / $20.99 at Amazon

Woozoo Oscillating Fan

Oscillating Fan

4 1/2 stars

/ 447 reviews

“My favorite design features would have to be that the knob is on the front and can rotate either direction for speed selection, and the snapping vertical adjustment keeps it firmly locked wherever I put it.”

$44.99 / $35.87 at Amazon

NOTE: Items featured in this story are independently selected by the editorial team. Purchasing via our links may earn Valet. a portion of the sale, which helps fund our editorial mission.
