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The Classic


The Duffle coat (or toggle coat, depending on who you ask) was an Ivy League staple whenever the campus turned cold back in the 1950s and '60s. The name is derived from Duffel, a town in Belgium where the thick, woolen material originates. And like any good classic, it never really went out of style. This fall, the coat seems to be everywhere—from modern, shrunken versions by Company of We and D Collection, to more traditional takes by Tommy Hilfiger and Hickey. Layer one over a suit for a crisp All-American feel, or sport it on the weekend to pull together your worn-out jeans and a sweater.

  • The toggle fasteners, made of buffalo horn, wood or plastic, are known as "walrus teeth."

Fall Buying Guide: The Series

Week 1

Retro gray sweats. The easiest trend to try this fall.


Week 2

Meet the new man behind Jack Spade's clothing line.


Week 3

Navajo patterns pop up everywhere.


Week 4

The duffle coat, a prep school favorite from the '60s, is everywhere this fall.



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