Lightest Layer

The summer heat is starting to subside, but unfortunately it's the time of year when you can be shivering in the morning and sweating by lunch. Which is why we're grateful for the shirt jacket. The heavy-duty, hard-wearing overshirt will serve you just as well on 40-degree nights over a sweater as it does on 60-degree days over a T-shirt.

The summer heat is starting to subside, but unfortunately it's the time of year when you can be shivering in the morning and sweating by lunch. Which is why we're grateful for the shirt jacket. The heavy-duty, hard-wearing overshirt will serve you just as well on 40-degree nights over a sweater as it does on 60-degree days over a T-shirt.

Toss It in the Wash

Fresh from the store, some of them can be a little stiff. Soften them up by throwing it in with your laundry. Most are machine-washable.