Fall Three, Jay Carroll
The ultimate wayfarer's wishlist.

Travel In Style

Noted fashion laureate Gay Talese shares some of his wisdom about traveling in style in his column on Gilt Manual. Known for his impeccable (if at times a bit eccentric) personal style, Talese promises that dapper gents always get the first cocktail on the flight, along with a few other helpful perks. And while he suggests a nice pair of loafers to fly in, his most helpful hint is this:

When standing in line waiting to submit my luggage for inspection, I always try to get in line behind people traveling with young children. The security people seem to favor child-burdened couples in getting them through the screening process more easily, and this courtesy is usually extended to me as I follow close behind.

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E. Vogel Shoes for F.S.C.
Old school shoemaking with Freemans Sporting Club.